Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Looking for Something to Make You Melt?

Traditionally, I write film blogs for all you nutcases who can't bear to see a movie first, yourself... but, as my avid viewers have seen in the past, every now and then I break from that trend to show you something outside of my box that I find worth looking at. This is one of those times. PREPARE YOURSELVES!

City Shade/Country Sun (2010) is an Indie/Folk Rock album produced in July. The music has elements of Regina Spektor to me, as well as that delightful honesty that often accompanies acoustic musicians. It's easy to listen to, and works as a film soundtrack- even though it isn't. Many of the tracks are strong enough to bring about visual metaphors without being accompanied by any video that I've seen. They're relatable, and emotional-- not sad. They make me emote.

The album was created by local Philadelphia artist, Jesse Gimbel. He writes, performs, records, and mixes the music himself- not unlike Trent Reznor of NIN-- what's not to like about a one-man-band? Self-taught on all of the various instruments he plays, he started when he was about 14 and has worked himself up to where he's at now. A Graphic Design major, he also designed the cover for the album, seen below.

I'd have to say my favorite songs on the album are Illinois, Outburst, and Circles, though this is a really easy album to just play straight through- which I don't do often. I'm an individual song person, no real loyalty to most bands, save The Grateful Dead.

Here's the url to where you can listen to and download songs off of City Shade/Country Sun.

This is Jesse Gimbel's Youtube Page for other fun things not found on the album site. :)

I really like this album and I know you guys are going to give it the change it deserves.

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